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dinsdag 7 februari 2012

The relationship between the liver, exercise and candida

The relationship between the liver, exercise and candida

The liver is a ingenious detox factory. Through two steps, Phase I and II, toxins, pesticides, heavy metals, additives are dismantled and disarmed and removed from the body via the urine e.g.

Phase I

During this process toxic substances undergo a treatment which converts them into bio-active substances.  This makes them much more toxic but it is necessary to be able to bind to water in stage II. The cytochrome P 450 enzymes get in action during this phase.

Phase II

The bio-active substances are converted into bio-inactive substances. For example, they can bind to water and avoids toxic loads that are stacked in the liver. During this phase the toxins lose their fragrance.
The enzymes responsible for the conversion of glutathione, glutathione transferase, in particular, are also active during the second phase of detoxification. They need a co-enzyme to function, in particular: selenium, zinc, magnesium, vitamin B (3, 6, 8, 11, 12), and alpha-lipoic acid.

Phase II proceeds via glutathione transferases but on one condition only. It needs (daily) exercise to be useful. Glutathione is as we know, composed of three amino acids: cysteine, glycine and glutamic acid. Glutathione is as we know, composed of three amino acids: cysteine, glycine and glutamic acid.

Cysteine ​​is a troublemaker if there is no exercise. How come? Cysteine can always be present into the cell. Outside the cell, only if there is sufficient cysteine ​​to be converted via exercise.
If the person moves insufficiently, then the cell imports cystine. The cell is equipped with cystine channels. Only 1 cystine can pass at a time. This in turn gives a glutathione.

A cystine => a cysteine ​​=> 1 glutathione

Suppose the person exercises enough, no need to import cystine. Cysteine ​​passes via specific channels,  10 cysteine enter at the same time the cell. Thus, it produces 10 times more glutathione.
Someone who has little chance to move or exercise, will detox 10x less than a active person. This is not without consequences.

Another stumbling block for Phase II of the detoxification is Candida or fungus. This causes leaky gut and too little recognized by mainstream medicine. Fungus produces acetyldehyde via the enzyme pyruvate decarboxylase. Acetyldehyde is dismantled by cysteine. The more candida, the greater the use of cysteine. Moreover, it compeeds with vitamine B6 and affects normal detox processes.

The effects of candida are far-reaching. The chemical by-products react with serotonin and dopamine. Acetaldehyde is then transformed into opiate substances that affect the functioning of the brains.  The neurons are able to communicate less well and influences the red blood cells negatively. They have more trouble to transport oxygen. Thus, you are tired of candida.

Interesting to know is that everyday substances can limit stage II. These are coffee and tea, sugar and lactose (milk and cheese), smoking and alcohol, stress, paracetamol and too little exercise as previously cited.
Nature is generous, and also provides ways to stimulate phase II. Daily exercise is an obvious move with the knowledge what the lack of exercise can do. Vegetables and plants have to offer: onion, garlic, leeks, chicory, endive, artichoke, broccoli, radish, spinach, olive oil, fatty fish, avocado, turmeric, milk thistle, dandelion, Swedish herb, liver herb.

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