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maandag 24 oktober 2011

Government apologizes for not providing health services

The Norwegian Directorate of Health has apologised for the way in which ME patients in Norway have been treated. This follows the publication of the ground-breaking research from Haukeland University in Bergen (

After the publication of the Rituximab study by Fluge et al (2011) and extensive media coverage since then the Norwegian Directorate of Health gave a short statement on TV2 channel, see TV2 Nettavisen (

A statement from the Norwegian Directorate of Health has been received where they apologise for not having provided the necessary and proper health services to persons with ME.

Such a public apology from a governmental health agency has never occurred before.

Bjørn Guldvog, Deputy Director General of theNorwegian Directorate of Health made the following statement

"Jeg tror at vi, i for liten grad, har klart å møte menneskene som har kronisk utmattelsessyndrom på en god nok måte. Jeg tror at det er riktig å si at vi ikke har utviklet en god nok helsetjeneste for disse, og det beklager jeg."

"I think that we have not cared for people with ME to a great enough extent. I think it is correct to say that we have not established proper health care services for these people, and I regret that."

Patients have thanked Norwegian channel TV2 for their massive media campaign - (

The TV2 channel has set up a web page containing all mediacoverage they have had – which includes easy access to writings and video clips - (

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