Google Website Translator Gadget

vrijdag 31 december 2010

Blauwe kunst verbindt ME wereldwijd

If you are an M.E. sufferer, a supporter of someone with M.E. or just a nice person that wants to contribute to this mission, follow these instructions:

Step 1

Get yourself something blue. You can use anything for your own design. Keep in mind the golden rule: anything blue will do. An easy way is to buy a blue ribbon at your local craft-shop;

Step 2

Add a label with or use the image ;

Step 3

Pick a spot somewhere in the wide open world and put your Blue Mark there;

Step 4

Take a picture and sent it to fleur (at) BlueMarkForME (dot) com. Please let me know this information by email:

* Your name – obviously;

* The location – the land and town. It would also be nice to know the street or exact GPS-details. Then I can add it to the World Wide Map;

* The date – when did you put your Blue Mark there?

Step 5

You are done! Give yourself a big pat on the shoulder.

Step 6

If you feel like it, you can start over from step 1 * wink *

In dutch here;

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